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    PKI Tech Vendor to Adopt Thales-Built Hardware Security Modules

    Microsec, a public key infrastructure supplier in Hungary, has selected Thales to provide hardware security modules for integration with the former’s mobile identification technology. Thales said Thursday Microsec will adopt the nShield modules to help the Hungarian vendor secure its PassBy[ME] application and comply with the European Union’s regulation for electronic identification and trust services. NShield uses encryption, digital signing […] More

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    CGI Opens New Security Operations Center in France; Jean-Michel Baticle Comments

    CGI has opened a new security operations center in Toulouse, France, in effort to expand the company’s global security footprint and address the security demands of customers. The new center is intended to help customers manage the security of their networks and respond to security incidents, CGI said Nov. 22. Jean-Michel Baticle, president of CGI’s […] More

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    SIBA: US Should Supply Biometrics Tools to Allies Through DoD FMS Program

    The Secure Identity & Biometrics Association has called on the U.S. government to use the Defense Department’s foreign military sales initiative as a channel to provide allied countries facing an influx of refugees from Syria with biometrics tools. The recommendation is included in SIBA’s list of action plans the U.S. and international governments can implement in […] More