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    ICF Receives DoD Contract for Psychological Health Data Support Services

    Consulting and technology services provider ICF has received a potential five-year, $35 million contract from the Defense Department to provide psychological health interdisciplinary support services at DoD’s Deployment Health Clinical Center. ICF said Wednesday the contract covers behavioral health and data support services to DHCC in the areas of psychological health performance and analytics, research, promotion and clinical […] More

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    ICF Awarded 3-Year NIH IT Mgmt Services Task Order; Terry McKittrick Comments

    ICF has secured a potential three-year, $14 million recompete task order for information technology support to National Institutes of Health‘s office of the chief information officer. ICF said Monday it will provide IT management, strategic advisory, planning and research services intended to help the NIH OCIO address technology requirements across the agency. The company will also conduct market research, studies […] More

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    ICF Evaluates Charles River Analytics’ New Semantic-Based Search Tool

    ICF has tested Charles River Analytics‘ new semantic-based search tool designed to help U.S. Army intelligent tutoring system authors to search for existing training reference materials. Charles River said Tuesday ICF conducted a double-blind evaluation of the Content Retrieval and Extraction for Advanced Tutoring Environments in comparison with traditional keyword searching techniques. Instruction system designers who used […] More

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    ICF Adopts New Brand to Mark 10 Years as Public Company; Sudhakar Kesavan Comments

    The Fairfax, Virginia-based consulting services contractor formerly known as ICF International has rebranded itself as “ICF” and adopted both a new logo and website in conjunction with its 10th anniversary as a publicly-traded company on the NASDAQ. ICF said Tuesday it started its repositioning effort to further explain the company’s collaborations with clients, employees, investors and other stakeholders as the new […] More

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    Navy Taps ICF to Assess Potential Infrastructure Risks at US Military Facilities

    The U.S. Navy has awarded a potential five-year, $34 million contract to ICF International to help the Defense Department identify strategies to increase the resiliency of DoD assets as well as examine potential risks to infrastructure at various U.S. military installations worldwide. ICF said Tuesday it will perform risk assessments on physical and cyber systems at DoD facilities globally, conduct studies on the resilience […] More

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    ICF to Support CDC Communications Campaign for Opioid Abuse Risk Awareness

    ICF International has received a two-year, $4.8 million task order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control in support of the agency’s communications campaign for opioid abuse risk awareness. The company said Thursday it will manage the development and placement of the campaign’s digital and social media advertisements, create social media […] More

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    ICF to Support HUD Community-Focused Technical Assistance & Capacity Building Program

    The Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded three cooperative agreements worth a total of $11.2 million to ICF International to support the department’s technical assistance and capacity building program. ICF said Wednesday it will provide various services in support of the Community Compass program, manage the HUD Exchange platform, support group and self-directed learning among grantees and help public […] More

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    ICF Lands Contract to Help Maintain SSA’s Automated Security Platform

    ICF International has received a potential five-year, $9.6 million contract to maintain a suite of web-based security applications for the Social Security Administration‘s Office of Security and Emergency Preparedness. ICF said Monday it will support OSEP’s security processes and nationwide oversight with the Security Automated Features and Enhancements platform powered by the company’s GroupAssure compliance automation software. The contract covers project management, onsite […] More

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    ICF to Continue Technical, Analytical Support for EPA Ozone Protection Efforts

    ICF International has received a $19.8 million blanket purchase agreement from the Environmental Protection Agency to provide technical and analytical support for EPA’s efforts to phase out substances that can damage the Earth’s ozone layer. The company will work with EPA’s Office of Atmospheric Protection Stratospheric Protection Division to create and implement programs to help stop the production and consumption of ozone-depleting chemicals, ICF said Friday. The […] More

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    ICF Gets CDC Operations & Modernization Support Task Orders

    ICF International has received two task orders with a combined value of $14.4 million from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide operations and modernization services in support of the Laboratory Response Network. ICF said Wednesday it will extend data exchange and laboratory informatics services support to LRN as it works to address public health threats and […] More

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    ICF Nabs 2 Contracts From California DOT for Environmental Services

    ICF International has secured two four-year contracts potentially worth $16.1 million combined from California’s Transportation Department. Both contracts cover on-call environmental services for the maintenance, development and construction of Caltrans’ proposed transportation facilities in the north region, ICF said Tuesday. David Freytag, a senior vice president for ICF International, said the company looks to continue its push to […] More

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    NVTC to Auction One-on-One Meetings with Virginia’s Business Leaders

    The Northern Virginia Technology Council will auction off some prominent executives in the government contracting industry as part of a fundraising event scheduled on April 25. CXO Auction attendees will electronically bid for opportunities to meet with c-level regional and industry executives to gain insight on various businesses, NVTC said Monday. The event aims to raise money for the council’s […] More