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    DigitalGlobe Offers 50cm Satellite Imagery Base Map of Africa

    DigitalGlobe has unveiled its Basemap +Vivid product that works to generate a satellite imagery base map of every country in Africa with a ground resolution of 50 centimeters. The company said Tuesday this is the first service that offers 50 cm satellite imagery for the entire African continent. “This is an important accomplishment in response to requests from our customers,” said […] More

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    Hyune Hand: DigitalGlobe Starts to Offer 30-cm Satellite Images

    DigitalGlobe has rolled out 30-centimeter satellite imagery products for government and industrial customers. The high-resolution aerial photos are captured through DigitalGlobe’s WorldView-3 satellite and intended to help civil government, defense, intelligence, energy, mining and global development organizations, DigitalGlobe said Wednesday. “Today marks a significant milestone for our customers, who will now benefit from a level […] More