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    Northrop CEO Wes Bush Open to Make Webb Telescope Contract Fees Contingent on Mission Outcome

    Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush has said he would be open to making the company’s award fees from the James Webb Space Telescope development contract depend on the successful commissioning of NASA’s space observatory following launch, SpaceNews reported Thursday. “As a mechanism to ensure we are all aligned on mission success, Northrop Grumman has actually […] More

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    Alliance for Transportation Innovation Launches; Paul Brubaker Comments

    Washington business leaders have launched the Alliance for Transportation Innovation organization comprised of companies, advocates and experts in transportation technology who seek to improve the country’s transportation systems through innovative technologies. ATI21 will work with transportation innovation industry leaders, including the Consumer Technology Association, the consortium said Thursday. Paul Brubaker, ATI21 chairman and a former administrator of the Transportation […] More