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    Army, Helius Partner for Neuromodulation Tech Research Effort

    The U.S. Army has partnered with Helius Medical Technologies through a cooperative research and development agreement that seeks to improve soldier readiness and resilience with the use of technology. Helius and the Army Research Laboratory will launch an effort to investigate the potential use of the company’s Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator in military cognitive and psychological preparedness efforts, the […] More

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    Helius to Extend Chronic Balance Deficit Treatment Test, Development Work

    A Helius Medical Technologies division will continue to test and develop its chronic balance deficit treatment under the extended sole-source contract from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command. NeuroHabilitation Corp. will conduct clinical trials across additional study sites through the end of this year in an effort to validate the safety and reliability of the Portable […] More