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    IEEE Names Robert Cunningham Chair, Ulf Lindqvist Vice Chair of Cybersecurity Initiative

    The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers has appointed Robert K. Cunningham chairman and Ulf Lindqvist vice chair of the IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative. Cunningham and Lindqvist will lead work to develop tools in an effort to speed up privacy and security technological innovations, craft guidelines for the creation of secure software application codes and promote cybersecurity […] More

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    Greg Shannon to Lead IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative

    Greg Shannon, CERT Division chief scientist at Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute, will lead the IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative as chairman. Shannon will work to develop resources for computer security education, guide software coding and further cybersecurity adoption across the industry, IEEE said Monday. “With IEEE’s ubiquitous impact on cyber technologies, I’m delighted to chair this initiative and harness […] More