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    MIT Research VP Maria Zuber Elected to Textron Board

    Maria Zuber, vice president of research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and chair of the National Science Board, has joined the board of directors at Textron. She oversees MIT’s Lincoln laboratory and interdisciplinary research facilities as well as the university’s research partnerships with the federal government, Textron said Thursday. Zuber is also the E. A. Griswold professor of geophysics at MIT […] More

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    NASA: Gravity Anomalies on Moon May Indicate Ancient Volcanic Activity, Not Asteroid Impact

    NASA has collected evidence that the topography of the Oceanus Procellarum region of the moon believed to be the result of an asteroid impact may have been caused instead by the formation of rift valleys. The agency said Wednesday it used the Lockheed Martin-built Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory to observe the gravity gradients of the moon’s surface and found gravitational anomalies. The GRAIL gravity […] More