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    Executive Profile: Scott Scheimreif, EVP of Iridium’s Gov’t Programs Division

    Scott Scheimreif serves as executive vice president for Iridium’s government programs division where he is responsible for the company’s overall government sales, marketing and business development strategies with an emphasis on the U.S. defense and intelligence markets. He also leads the oversight of the management and delivery of Iridium’s product and services portfolio into new military and government […] More

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    Executive Profile: Ron Yaggi, IO Government Programs SVP

    Brigadier General (ret) Ron Yaggi serves as the senior vice president of IO government programs. He has more than 25 years experience in running large organizations, including large profit and loss operations, strategic planning and business development/capture involving intelligence and cyber operations; program management,foreign military sales and national security strategy in the Defense Department, consultation […] More