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    Boeing, NASA Open Exploration Upper Stage Assembly Area in Louisiana

    Boeing and NASA have jointly unveiled a new manufacturing area at the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans, Louisiana, where it will accommodate the production of exploration upper stage for future flights of the Space Launch System rocket. The EUS Gray Box Assembly Area houses tools and equipment necessary to produce the second stage of […] More

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    Paperless Innovations on Integrating Commercial SaaS Platforms Into QSMO Marketplaces

    The Office of Management and Budget designated the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of the Treasury as quality service management offices for cybersecurity services, grant management and core financial management, respectively, as part of efforts to advance shared services modernization. Paperless Innovations said Thursday these QSMOs […] More

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    DARPA Names Research Teams for Reimagining Protein Manufacturing Program

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has selected research teams from Ginkgo Bioworks, Leidos and Northwestern University for the Reimagining Protein Manufacturing program that seeks to build tools to help accelerate on-demand production of protein-based drugs. “The current process for producing protein-based therapeutics requires more than a year to establish, while still requiring purification and […] More

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    Centerra to Maintain Army Europe’s Prepositioned Training Fleet in Germany

    Constellis’ Centerra Group business has secured an $11 million contract to help U.S. Army Europe maintain military vehicles used to support live training exercises at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany. Under the three-year contract, Centerra will provide administrative, logistics and maintenance services in support of the prepositioned training fleet located at the […] More

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    Transportation Department Adds 3M to National Roadway Safety Strategy Partners

    Minnesota-based conglomerate 3M was tapped to help accelerate a Department of Transportation-sponsored campaign to reduce traffic-related deaths and injuries. The company said Wednesday it will use its traffic safety knowledge and fund initiatives addressing transportation equity as a designated primary stakeholder in the National Roadway Safety Strategy campaign. According to 3M, nearly 43,000 traffic accident-related deaths in […] More

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    ICF to Update New York State’s Transport Assistance Program

    ICF has won a potential six-year, $29 million contract to help the New York State Department of Transportation incorporate technology into programs designed to assist commuters and travelers with their local trips. Under the recompete contract, ICF and NYSDOT will modernize statewide mobility services to include both traditional, emerging and new travel opportunities, the company […] More

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    Rebellion Defense, SOCOM-Backed Innovation Factory Extend Cybersecurity Partnership

    SOFWERX, an innovation platform co-founded by the U.S. Special Operations Command, granted Rebellion Defense a follow-on contract to gain extended access to an automated cybersecurity platform. The award follows a demonstration of Nova Software, a product designed to mimic cyber kill chains and other advanced persistent threats, Rebellion said Tuesday. Nova employs Mitre’s ATT&CK knowledge […] More

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    Space Force Selects Astranis Satellite Tech for Military Comms Waveform Implementation

    Astranis Space Technology will help the U.S. Space Force deploy a military communications waveform with a commercial satellite payload under a potential $10.5 million Small Business Innovation Research Phase III award. John Gedmark, co-founder and CEO of Astranis, wrote in a blog post published Wednesday the company will use its software-based radio technology to support […] More

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    Accenture to Deliver Additional Cerner EHR Training to VA Clinicians

    Oracle has selected consultancy firm Accenture to help train Department of Veterans Affairs clinicians on the Cerner-built electronic health record platform, FedScoop reported Tuesday. Under the recently signed contract, Accenture will provide additional training to VA clinicians in support of the next rollout of the Cerner EHR system, according to Ken Glueck, executive vice president […] More

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    Electosoft Lands NIST Contract for Special Publication Update Support

    Electrosoft will assist the National Institute of Standards and Technology in updating Special Publications in line with the Federal Information Processing Standard 201-3. Under a prime contract, Electrosoft said Tuesday it will work with NIST to align SP 800-73 or Interfaces for Personal Identity Verification, and 800-79 or Authorization of PIV Card Issuers and Derived […] More

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    Parsons Establishes Center to Support Space Ops for Government, Commercial Sector

    Parsons‘ space-focused integrated center is working to unify government and commercial technologies and services designed to support spacecraft operations. The Parsons Space Operations Center aims to address the demand for integrated and automated capabilities including telemetry processing, data delivery, mission planning, command and control and testing, the company said Tuesday. “PSOC is providing operational support […] More