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    DLT’s Brian Strosser Receives Federal IT Industry Leadership Award

    Brian Strosser, executive vice president of sales and marketing at DLT Solutions, was selected as one of the recipients of FedScoop’s Industry Leadership award in November in recognition of his contributions to the federal technology sector. “Brian is well respected in our industry for his vision and proven leadership, as he knows how to bring […] More

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    Unisys’ PV Puvvada Gets 2015 FedScoop Industry Leadership Award

    PV Puvvada, president of Unisys‘ federal systems business, has received FedScoop’s Industry Leadership award in recognition of his work in the field of federal information technology, FedScoop reported Friday. FedScoop founder and CEO Goldy Kamali presented the awards in nine categories to 50 industry and government leaders in the federal IT sector during an awards ceremony held Thursday at […] More