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    Scott Seymour: Aerojet Rocketdyne to Integrate Rocket Engine Work at New Huntsville, AL Facility

    Aerojet Rocketdyne has opened its Advanced Hydrocarbon Propulsion Development Office in Huntsville, Alabama, which will be led by Jerrol Littles as the office centralizes the company’s hydrocarbon technology research and development operations. Scott Seymour, president and CEO of Aerojet Rocketdyne’s parent company GenCorp, said Tuesday that AHPDO will integrate the firm’s R&D and production capabilities as it aims to […] More

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    Aerojet Rocketdyne Wins Defense Industry Award; Warren Boley Jr. Comments

    A team of Aerojet Rocketdyne employees, U.S. Air Force service members and Lawrence Livermore National Labs employees have won a defense industry award from the Precision Strike Association. The PSA’s William J. Perry Award recognized the team’s work on the BLU-129/B Precision Lethality MK-82 munition for the Air Force, the GenCorp subsidiary announced Tuesday. The […] More

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    Aerojet Propulsion System to Guide Military Navigation Satellite into Orbit; Steve Bouley Comments

    Aerojet Rocketdyne’s propulsion system, consisting of booster and upper-stage engines and spacecraft attitude control thrusters, has helped launch a military navigation satellite to space from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. its RS-68 booster engine, RL10B-2 upper-stage engine and 12 monopropellant hydrazine thrusters have propelled Boeing’s GPS IIF-5 satellite from United Launch Alliance’s […] More

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    Executive Profile: John Schumacher, GenCorp VP for Business Relations

    John Schumacher serves as the vice president for business relations of GenCorp, the parent of Aerojet General Corp., where he handles the growth plans of the company’s government-related aerospace and defense business. Schumacher also supports Warren Boley, Aerojet president, and the subsidiary’s operations in Washington. He has previously served as Aerojet vice president of Washington […] More