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    Marines Seek Potential Drone Kinetic Defeat Tech Sources

    The U.S. Marine Corps is seeking a drone kinetic defeat technology the service can integrate with a ground-based vehicle platform under the Future Weapons Systems Increment 1 Marine Air Defense Integrated System program. USMC said Monday in a FedBizOpps notice it wants a drone system that could expand the Ground Based Air Defense community’s ability […] More

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    USNI News: ONR Nears Vehicle-Mounted Laser Weapon Program’s 3rd Phase

    The Office of Naval Research is close to the third phase of its program to develop a vehicle-mounted laser weapon system for efforts to counter adversaries’ unmanned aerial vehicles, USNI News reported Thursday. Lt. Gen. Robert Walsh, U.S. Marine Corps deputy commandant for combat development and integration, said the third phase of the Ground-Based Air Defense Directed Energy […] More