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    Executive Profile: Herb VanHook, VP & Deputy CTO at BMC Software

    Herb VanHook serves as a vice president and deputy chief technology officer at BMC Software, where he also provides strategic and portfolio support to the automation and cloud business unit. He specializes in digital transformation strategies, business planning and corporate development and has 30 years of experience in the information technology sector. Before joining BMC in […] More

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    Cisco: Mobile Apps Could Help Public Services Reach More People

    The public sector’s use of mobile applications continues to grow as U.S. and international government units eye increased use of those tools to support citizen services, Jason Deign wrote in a piece published Monday on the Cisco website. Deign writes that mobile apps work to grow service delivery to more citizens and enable “anytime, anywhere” access. “If you think about reaching the […] More

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    Gartner’s Jim Tully: Gov’t to Key on Smart Street, Area Lighting for ‘Internet of Things’

    Gartner has predicted the number of connected devices to reach 25 billion by 2020, a nearly five-fold increase from the 4.9 billion projected for 2015. Gartner said Tuesday the automotive sector will see a 96-percent growth of connected things in 2015 and that consumer applications will drive the expansion of Internet of Things. The forecasts also says the utilities […] More

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    Gartner: Global Info Security Spending to Hit $76.9B by 2015

    Gartner has predicted in a forecast that global spending on information security will reach $76.9 billion by 2015, up 7.9 percent from the firm’s recorded figure for 2014, George Koroneos of Verizon said Tuesday. The research firm said at a summit in Australia that businesses are increasing their information security investments due to the rise in adoption of cloud […] More

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    Gary Bloom of MarkLogic: Data is ‘Absolutely King’

    Gary Bloom, MarkLogic president and CEO, has reiterated the company’s goal to provide NoSQL database products for organizations that require security and regulatory compliance, Datanami reported Thursday. Alex Woodie writes that analysts such as Gartner and Wikibon have identified the company as one of the database industry’s key players. Having been a database vendor since […] More