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    Bechtel to Continue Support Work for Gabon’s $25B Nat’l Infrastructure Plan

    Bechtel has extended its partnership with Gabon to continue work on a $25 billion national infrastructure plan that looks to build the country’s skill base for project management, construction, engineering, project controls, sustainability, health, safety, environment, quality and contracts. Bechtel said Wednesday the collaboration has established a public works agency called l’Agence Nationale des Grands Travaux d’Infrastructures — or ANGTI — […] More

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    Gemalto to Build Gabon’s Integrated Border, Visa Mgmt Platform

    Gabon has chosen online security firm Gemalto to help implement an integrated system for the country’s homeland security personnel to manage border clearance and visa application processes. Gemalto said Tuesday it will base the infrastructure on the company’s Coesys Visa and Border Management System, which is designed to alert authorities of potential security risks. The integrated […] More