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    HHS Looks for Info Sharing Center to Drive Health IT Cybersecurity Awareness

    The Department of Health and Human Services is looking for an information sharing and analysis organization to help raise awareness about cybersecurity threats across the government and commercial healthcare sectors. HHS said Monday its Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response seek to enter into cooperative agreements with a […] More

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    DoD’s Innovation Org to Host Small Biz Tech Forum in California

    A Defense Department-formed organization will hold a town hall meeting on Feb. 18 to discuss funding opportunities for small businesses to research and develop national security technologies, DoD News reported Tuesday. Cheryl Pellerin writes the “Decoding DoD” forum will occur between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. at Defense Innovation Unit Experimental‘s headquarters in Mountain View, California. George Duchak, director of […] More