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    DOE Grants Solid-State Lighting R&D Funds for 9 Research Projects

    The Energy Department will award $10.5 million in federal funds to nine research entities in support of solid-state lighting core technology research, product development and manufacturing efforts. DOE said Friday the projects have a total public-private investment of at least $13.5 million that includes cost-share contributions, seek to aid the development of light-emitting diode and organic light-emitting diode lighting […] More

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    MBDA Agency Solicits Applications For Funding Opportunity to Operate Procurement Center

    The Minority Business Development Agency has opened applications for a potential $2.5 million federal funding opportunity for an entity to operate an MBDA Federal Procurement Center Project. The agency said Friday the project aims to provide technical assistance and business development services to minority business enterprises to help them find and secure contracts as well as create and retain jobs. MBDA […] More