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    Northrop to Maintain UK Forensic, Biometric Software; Andrew Tyler Comments

    Northrop Grumman Corp. has been selected to maintain and operate forensic and biometric software used by the U.K.’s Home Office under a two-year, $45.1 million re-compete contract award. The Forensic and Biometric Interim Capability software is part of the U.K.’s national infrastructure for policing, Northrop said Tuesday. Andrew Tyler, Northrop’s chief executive for Europe, said the […] More

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    Battelle to Test Forensic DNA Tools Under Federal Grants; Rich Guerrieri Comments

    Battelle has received more than $800,000 in federal grants from the National Institute of Justice to assess and evaluate new tools for probing DNA evidence. The company will test instruments, laboratory materials and software that forensic investigators use to obtain biological evidence based on the tools’ next-generation sequencing, Battelle said Oct. 9. “Next-generation sequencing will significantly expand our technical capabilities to support forensic […] More