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    IHS Markit: 2016 Defense Spending Reaches $1.57T Worldwide

    A new report from IHS Markit says that global defense spending rose to $1.57 trillion during 2016 and defense expenditures are projected to continue to increase worldwide over the next decade. IHS Markit said Monday the annual Jane’s Defense Budget Report covers nearly 99 percent of defense spending worldwide and forecasts defense expenditures for 105 countries. “Defense spending returned to a healthy rate […] More

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    IHS Jane’s Forecasts Rise in Defense Spending; Paul Burton Comments

    IHS Jane’s is projecting a 0.6 percent rise in military budgets worldwide during 2014, Agence France-Presse reported Tuesday. The annual defense budgets review attributed that growth to the increase in demands for arms in Asia, the Middle East and Russia, according to the report. “We have seen substantial increases in defense spending from countries like […] More