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    Verizon’s Federal Arm to Help Maintain Naval Computer, Telecom Systems

    Verizon‘s federal business has secured a potential five-year, $23.1 million contract from the U.S. Navy to maintain and support switched voice and data telecommunications systems for the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Atlantic. The Defense Department said Thursday the service branch awarded the contract after a competitive solicitation process on FedBizOpps with one bid received. NCTAMS […] More

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    USCIS Seeks Info on Potential Sources of Employee Identity Verification System

    The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services wants information on industry vendors that can help develop and implement an “employee-centric” employment verification process. USCIS said in a FedBizOpps notice posted Friday that it aims to partner with industry on the development of identity verification and management tools that will help individuals validate their identity and work authorization status. […] More

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    DARPA’s Information Innovation Office Seeks Cyber, Analytics, Symbiosis Research Concepts

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s information innovation office has begun to seek research concepts in the areas of cyber, analytics and symbiosis that aim to provide the U.S. and its allies information advantage. A broad agency announcement posted Friday on FedBizOpps says I2O is interested in unconventional research approaches that seek to make technology advancements […] More

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    Black Hills Ammunition Secures Navy Special Ball, Long Range Ammo IDIQ

    Black Hills Ammunition has won a potential five-year, $49.9 million contract from to supply the U.S. Navy with 5.56mm special ball, long range ammunition rounds. The Defense Department said Friday the Navy will deploy the weapons to support various operations of U.S. forces overseas. The indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract also includes foreign military sales to the government of Jordan. […] More

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    VA Posts Sources Sought Notice for Software Mgmt Platform

    The Department of Veterans Affairs wants information on potential industry sources of a software management platform that can aid VA’s use of the General Services Administration‘s Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions procurement vehicle. VA said Wednesday in a FedBizOpps notice that proposed software management tools system should be able to provide telecommunications asset management such as ordering, billing, […] More

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    Army Wants Info on Financial Mgmt System Sources

    The U.S. Army seeks information on industry sources of an integrated information and financial management system that can support the Army headquarters’ G-8 force development directorate and other agencies. The Army said Friday in a FedBizOpps notice that the integrated system should feature fiscal programming; budget and execution; and equipment modeling functions to support force modernization […] More

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    VA Intends to Procure Rivera Group’s Modeling Software

    The Department of Veteran Affairs plans to award Rivera Group a sole-source contract on Sept. 6 to deliver and maintain a modeling software. VA said Thursday in a FedBizOpps notice that Rivera Group will provide its Eagle6 software to help detect vulnerabilities in the department’s VistA electronic health record system. The software will support security remediation, standardization and virtualization efforts under an […] More

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    Air Force Eyes IBM Statistical Analysis Software Package for Air University

    The U.S. Air Force intends to award a sole-source acquisition contract to IBM for the supply the military branch’s Air University with a software package designed to help users analyze statistical data. The service branch said in a FedBizOpps notice published Friday that Air University needs an enterprise-level, general purpose statistical analysis software for use across […] More

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    FEMA Plans Emergency Notification System Installation Contract Award to Airbus Unit

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency intends to award a sole-source contract to a business unit of Airbus Group‘s defense and space segment to help install the FEMA’s emergency notification system. FEMA said Friday in a FedBizOpps notice it will ask Airbus DS Communications to supply dialogic cards and cables for the company-built VESTA Communicator platform. The contractor will not modify […] More

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    Army Wants Info on Longwave IR LIDAR Sources

    The U.S. Army‘s Edgewood Chemical Biological Center seeks information on potential industry and government sources of light detection and ranging technologies that can detect chemical vapors and biological aerosols. ECBC is surveying commercial and government off-the-shelf longwave infrared LIDAR tools that can perform chemical and biological standoff detection in mobile or fixed sites at ranges of up […] More

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    DISA Renews Subscription for Northrop Data Link Test System Desktop Software

    The Defense Information Systems Agency has awarded Northrop Grumman a potential $106,010 contract to extend desktop software subscription for the Tactical Data Link Integration Exerciser platform. DISA announced the contract award through a FedBizOpps notice posted Monday. TIGER is a suite of software tools based on the Defense Department’s data link test system – Multi-Link System […] More

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    DARPA Seeks Automated Methods, Tools to Neutralize Cyberadversary Infrastructure

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has asked industry to suggest research concepts for techniques and software tools to neutralize cyberadversary infrastructure. DARPA said in a presolicitation notice posted Aug. 3 on FedBizOpps it seeks to create technologies to determine malicious cyberadversary infiltrated networks as part of the agency’s Harnessing Autonomy for Countering Cyberadversary Systems program. The HACCS effort […] More