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    DARPA Seeks Research Proposals for Online Social Behavior Simulation

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has begun to solicit industry proposals to research and develop technologies that will work to simulate the spread of information across online platforms. DARPA said in a broad agency announcement posted Monday on FedBizOpps that proposals for the Computational Simulation of Online Social Behavior program should include approaches to foster scientific advances. The agency introduced the SocialSim program […] More

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    Navy Explores Potential Sources of USV Mine Neutralizer for Littoral Combat Ships

    The Department of the Navy has launched a market research effort to determine if two or more companies can help the government manufacture, assemble and test a mine neutralizer system for unmanned surface vehicles. A request for information notice posted Wednesday on the FedBizOpps website says the Navy plans to add a Barracuda Mine Neutralizer mission module to the LCS […] More

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    GSA Seeks Industry Feedback on Redefined Special Item Number for Identity Protection Services

    The General Services Administration has asked industry to provide feedback on the agency’s plan to redefine a special item number in an effort to make it the official SIN for identity protection and data breach response services on the Professional Services Schedule. A FedBizOpps notice posted Thursday says the redefined SIN 520-20 would require vendors to provide […] More

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    VA Requests Info on Maintenance Support Sources for Real Time Location System

    The Department of Veterans Affairs has issued a request for information on potential industry sources of maintenance support services for the Real Time Location System as part of the Veterans Integrated Service Network 10. A FedBizOpps notice posted Friday says interested vendors should submit a summary of technical capabilities to carry out the services, knowledge of […] More

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    IARPA Seeks Methods to Collect Low-Resource Speech, Text Content

    The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity has asked industry to propose methods to find speech and text content in low-resource languages relevant to domain-contextualized English queries. IARPA said Thursday in a FedBizOpps notice the Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language program seeks an end-to-end system that can support monolingual triage of multilingual datasets. The agency added it wants […] More

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    GSA Wants Industry Input on EIS Transition of Regional Telecom Service Customers

    The General Services Administration is asking for comments from industry on GSA’s plans to transition customer agencies from expiring regional telecommunications service contracts to the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions procurement vehicle. GSA also seeks feedback on a proposed acquisition strategy wherein the agency will conduct fair opportunities, issue task orders and manage regional telecom services on behalf of customers, according to a […] More

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    Air Force Seeks Potential Voice Comm System Sources

    The U.S. Air Force has begun to search for potential sources of a voice communication system for the military branch’s test center at Edwards AF Base in California. The service branch seeks to replace Edwards AFB’s Federated Edwards Digital Switch with a voice over internet protocol system, according to a FedBizOpps notice posted Wednesday. A selected contractor will acquire, test, integrate and install […] More

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    DHS S&T Seeks New Jamming Mitigation Tools, Methods; Sridhar Kowdley Comments

    The Department of Homeland Security‘s science and technology directorate seeks partners from academia, industry and federally funded research-and-development centers that can provide anti-jamming technology systems that are ready for testing and evaluation. DHS said Tuesday it will hold the 2017 First Responder Electronic Jamming Exercise at Idaho National Laboratory from July 17 to 22 next year […] More

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    DARPA Seeks Proposals for Radio Transmitter Devt Program; Troy Olsson Comments

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has asked industry to submit research proposals for a $23 million program that seeks to develop low-size, weight, and power transmitters that will work to facilitate underground and underwater radio communications. DARPA posted on FedBizOpps the broad agency announcement for the A Mechanically Based Antenna program that seeks to create transmitters designed to produce […] More

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    Navy Plans Hawkeye Lots 7-11 Full-Rate Production Contract Award to Northrop

    The U.S. Navy plans to award a sole-source contract to Northrop Grumman for the full-rate production of lots 7 to 11 E-2D Advanced Hawkeye aircraft. The fixed-price contract to be awarded by the Naval Air Systems Command covers 20 aircraft and contains a “variation in quantity” option that could bring the total number of planes to 40, […] More

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    ONR Seeks Sci-Tech Approaches for Multi-Domain Unmanned Systems in Amphibious Operations

    The Office of Naval Research looks to explore science and technology approaches on how to utilize multi-domain unmanned systems in support of amphibious operations. A presolicitation notice issued Thursday on the FedBizOpps website says ONR looks to develop autonomous amphibians with a capacity to maneuver through the surf zone, emerge and navigate ashore. ONR expects potential partners […] More