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    Ensco-PositiveID Team Selected for Phase 2 of DHS’ Biothreat Detection Tech Program

    Ensco and PositiveID will collaborate to produce a biothreat detection system for the Department of Homeland Security under the second phase of DHS’ SenseNet Program. PositiveID said Monday it will provide the company’s Firefly Dx automated threat detector while Ensco will perform system integration and decision support services under the program. The Interior Department awarded the Phase II contract to the team on behalf of DHS. William […] More

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    Ensco to Develop Environmental Health Hazard Sensor for DHS; Boris Nejikovsky Comments

    Ensco Inc. has been awarded a two-year, $4 million contract by the Department of Homeland Security to develop an integrated sensor system for the detection of biological and environmental health hazards in buildings. The company said Thursday it aims to build, test and integrate a tiered aerosol detection system with dedicated environmental monitoring sensors and emerging commercial sensors under the second phase […] More