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    DHS Seeks Wearable First Responder Tech From Startup Companies

    The Department of Homeland Security currently explores startup-developed wearable technologies that work to support first responders through a business accelerator program of the DHS science and technology directorate. DHS said it seeks startup companies that can provide body-worn electronics, advanced sensors and gear-embedded voice and data communication technologies as part of the EMERGE 2016: Wearable Technology accelerator program. The department added the […] More

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    Fluor-Led Partnership to Continue DOE Savannah River Site Operations

    A partnership between Fluor, Honeywell and SN3 Stoller Newport News Nuclear has been awarded a 22-month contract extension to continue to help the Energy Department  manage the Savannah River Site in South Carolina. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions will continue its operation and maintenance  services at the nuclear reservation facility after DOE exercised an option under a contract originally awarded in January 2008, Fluor […] More

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    US Govt Agencies Detail Human Brain-Like Computer Development Vision in White Paper

    Four U.S. government agencies have released a white paper on a collective vision to develop a computer that can operate like the human brain. The white paper published Friday detailed what the agencies view as technical priorities, challenges, opportunities and research and development issues related to the White House-led Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge for Future Computing program. Collaborating agencies for the paper […] More

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    Siemens & DOE-Led Crowdsourcing Community Launch Building Tech Idea Search

    Siemens and the Energy Department-led Jump online crowdsourcing community have partnered to crowdsource building technology ideas that could support interaction between personal smart devices and public facilities. The company said Monday the Jump challenge seeks concepts, use cases and business models that could help building occupants in commercial, public or corporate spaces to achieve the level of device interconnectivity […] More

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    DOE Selects 6 Projects to Develop Tech for Thermal Efficiency at Combined-Cycle Power Plants

    The Energy Department‘s National Energy Technology Laboratory will invest $30 million in six selected Phase 2 projects to help develop technologies for gas turbine components and supercritical carbon dioxide power cycles. DOE said Wednesday it seeks technologies that work to help combined-cycle power plants meet a target thermal efficiency rating of 65 percent from its current efficiency rating of 61 […] More

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    Battelle Vet Robert Quinn Named SCRA Executive Director; Bill Blume Comments

    Robert Quinn, managing director of technology commercialization and advisory services at Battelle subsidiary 360ip, will join South Carolina-based applied research company SCRA on Aug. 1 as executive director. He will bring his knowledge of the technology development, commercialization and transfer processes to his new position, SCRA said Friday. Quinn said he aims to help the state-chartered company drive innovation partnerships  between universities and private companies through […] More

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    DOE Awards Westinghouse Electric Co. Nuclear Tech Research Funds

    Westinghouse Electric Company has secured $8 million in funds from the Energy Department to conduct nuclear technology-related research in collaboration with the company’s partners over the next three years. Westinghouse said Tuesday it will use the money to develop a laser-based three-dimensional printing method for the production of metal parts intended for use in nuclear structural applications. […] More

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    Lockheed’s Sandia Subsidiary to Receive Energy Tech Project Funds From DOE

    The Energy Department will support two technology development initiatives at Sandia National Laboratories for eventual transmission into the commercial market. Sandia Labs said Tuesday its Sandia Cooler and BA-BZT-BT capacitors projects will receive an equal amount of non-federal money with the other selected energy projects from TCF to match the federal investment. Lockheed Martin‘s Sandia Corp. subsidiary operates the laboratory […] More

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    Mellanox, DOE Lab to Collaborate on Exascale Computing Tech Design

    Mellanox Technologies and the Energy Department‘s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have entered into a partnership agreement to design and architect exascale computing technologies. PNNL and Mellanox seek to explore advanced functions of the company’s Interconnect platform as well as develop a new in-network computing architecture,  Mellanox said Monday. The partnership will also support efforts of Mellanox and DOE’s Center for Advance Technology Evaluation to […] More

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    eGlobalTech to Provide Infrastructure Support to DHS Information Technology Services Office

    The Department of Homeland Security has awarded eGlobalTech a contract to provide infrastructure support services to the information technology services office under the DHS Office of the Chief Information Officer. The company will provide systems planning, management, deployment and maintenance in support of the ITSO mission, eGT said Tuesday. eGT is a woman-owned management consulting and IT services provider […] More

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    Energy Dept Taps FirstFuel Software for Energy Intelligence Support to Oak Ridge Labs

    The Energy Department has selected Lexington, Massachusetts-based company FirstFuel Software to deliver remote building energy intelligence services across DOE’s building portfolio for Oak Ridge National Laboratories. FirstFuel said Tuesday its remote building energy intelligence technology and manual on-site audits will work to help ORNL comply with the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 over the next […] More