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    DOE Seeks Ideas to Build ‘Modular’ Coal Power Plant

    The Energy Department has issued a request for information to solicit input on how to develop modular coal-based power generation systems. DOE said Tuesday its Office of Fossil Energy seeks to determine technical and market factors that should be considered to design, construct and operate a pilot-scale coal power plant. The department envisions a power station […] More

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    General Atomics Secures DOE Funds for Nuclear Reactor Fuel R&D

    General Atomics has secured grants from the Energy Department to further develop new types of fuel designed to power nuclear reactor systems. DOE will help fund two company-led projects to produce and license a reactor fuel system that uses uranium carbide pellets in silicon carbide composite cladding, General Atomics said Monday. The projects were among 13 recipients of up […] More

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    DOE to Extend Hanford Site Tank Operations Contract With AECOM-Atkins JV

    The Energy Department plans to extend a contract with a joint venture of AECOM and SNC-Lavalin‘s Atkins business unit to manage, treat and dispose nuclear waste at the department’s Hanford site. The DOE said Thursday in a FedBizOpps notice that it intends to award a one-year contract extension to Washington River Protection Solutions, with work slated to occur […] More

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    DOE Facility Seeks Data Science, Machine Learning Applications for Exascale Computing System

    The Energy Department‘s Argonne Leadership Computing Facility has launched a call for proposals on the development of data science and machine learning applications to support an exascale supercomputer machine. ALCF said Thursday it will accept proposals for projects related to data science, machine learning and crosscutting simulation data and learning through April 8 as part of the facility’s Aurora […] More

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    SBA Approves Huntington Ingalls’ SN3 Subsidiary, Bay West for Mentor-Protege Program

    The Small Business Administration has given Huntington Ingalls Industries‘ SN3 subsidiary the green light to forge a mentor-protege relationship with environmental consulting firm Bay West. SN3 will provide assistance to Bay West in the contracting, technical, business development and management areas as the latter company looks to pursue Energy Department market opportunities, Huntington Ingalls said Thursday. An agreement […] More

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    ARPA-E Unveils $100M Energy Tech R&D Funding Opportunity for 2018

    The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy has started to accept applications for up to $100 million in grant funds to research and develop energy technology platforms. ARPA-E’s OPEN 2018 funding opportunity will support innovators who aim to help transform U.S. energy infrastructure with technology, the Energy Department said Wednesday. “We are asking American energy entrepreneurs and researchers to […] More

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    IBM Designs Server for AI Workload Processing

    IBM has unveiled a new server platform designed to help enterprise customers process and manage data-intensive artificial intelligence and cognitive computing workloads. AC922 Power Systems are built with IBM’s POWER9 processor and designed to accelerate training on deep learning processes by approximately four times, the company said Dec. 5. The processor currently powers the Energy Department‘s high-performance […] More

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    Carey Smith Talks About Parsons’ Williams Electric Purchase, Control System Business Expansion

    Carey Smith, federal group president at Parsons, has said the company expects the acquisition of control system integration company Williams Electric to create new opportunities as the Pasadena, California-based engineering services contractor operates in the Middle East and other regions, the Pasadena Star-News reported Thursday. Smith told Pasadena Star-News she believes Parsons’ contractual relationships with federal […] More

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    Battelle Receives R&D 100 Awards for Pipeline Analysis Tool, Coal Liquefaction Method

    Battelle has landed two awards from R&D Magazine for the nonprofit company’s software platform that works to analyze pipeline condition and method to convert coal into synthetic crude. The company said Tuesday its PipeAssess PI software and coal-to-liquids process won R&D Awards, while its partnership with the Ohio Soybean Council, Redwood Innovations and  Kentucky State University received special recognition for the EnzoMeal […] More

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    IBM-Mellanox-Nvidia Team Aims to Complete New DOE Supercomputers in Early 2018

    A team composed of IBM, Nvidia and Mellanox is scheduled to complete the development of two supercomputing machines at the Energy Department‘s Oak Ridge and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories early next year. The alliance is working to build ORNL’s Summit and LLNL’s Sierra computers through a $325 million project DOE awarded in late 2014. Dave Turek, vice president of exascale systems […] More

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    GSA, DOE Issue Building Mgmt Tech RFI

    The General Services Administration and the Energy Department have released a joint request for information on technology platforms that could help increase operational efficiency of federal buildings. GSA said Tuesday it encourages manufacturers and other interested parties to submit information about potential building technologies as part of the FY18 Green Proving Ground Program solicitation notice. Submissions will be […] More

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    Ardent Technologies Awarded DOE IT Support Contract

    The Energy Department has awarded Ardent Technologies a potential $4 million indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract to support information technology operations of DOE’s environmental management office. Ardent Technologies will help manage IT desktops and servers at the EM Consolidated Business Center and other facilities across the EM campus, DOE said Monday. The contract has a three-year ordering period and work also covers network infrastructure, […] More