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    Executive Profile: Paul Lemmo, Lockheed SVP of Corporate Strategy and BD

    Paul Lemmo serves as senior vice president of corporate strategy and business development at Lockheed Martin and elevated to the position in early July 2013. The more than 25-year defense industry veteran leads a business organization that has offices in 25 U.S. cities and 25 countries. Prior to this promotion, he served as business development VP for […] More

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    Lisa Davis to Head Communications for Northrop’s Electronic Systems Sector

    Lisa Davis, formerly corporate affairs vice president of AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals‘ MedImmune biologics arm, will join Northrop Grumman as VP of communications for its electronic systems business on June 18. Davis will be part of Northrop’s communications council and electronic systems management team and oversee the planning and implementation of communication strategies, the company said Thursday. “Lisa brings extensive leadership experience […] More