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    DoD Picks 160 University Researchers to Receive Instrumentation Acquisition Funds

    The Defense Department has awarded $47 million in total grants to 160 university researchers at 84 institutions to help them purchase equipment for defense research and student research training. DoD said Thursday its service research offices received 685 proposals for the fiscal 2017 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program and selected meritorious submissions that tackle science and engineering research to support national defense efforts. Dale […] More

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    Herrick Technology Labs to Build Multi-Mission RF Transceiver for Air Force

    Herrick Technology Laboratories has won a $24.8 million contract to help the U.S. Air Force develop poly-function transceiver software and hardware. The Defense Department said Thursday that HTL aims to deliver a software-based radio frequency transceiver that can support the Air Force’s multiple tactical missions in the  electromagnetic spectrum. The Air Force Research Laboratory will obligate $3.1 million from fiscal 2015 and […] More