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    Jacobs Wraps Up Redeemable Biomass Electricity Credit Study

    Jacobs Engineering Group has completed a study on how redeemable biomass electricity credits for usage in Riau, Indonesia. The project is a collaboration with Universitas Muhammadiyah in Riau, Sumatra with financial backing provided by the Energy and Environment Partnership Indonesia (EEP) and additional efforts supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. “Jacobs is pleased […] More

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    Honeywell to Help CPS Energy Implement Smart Grid Tech; Jeremy Eaton Comments

    Honeywell and Texas-based CPS Energy have kicked off a two-year program that seeks to help local business facilities manage their electricity costs by implementing smart grid technology. CPS Energy will also leverage Honeywell’s automated demand response tools and services for the municipal utility to maintain the stability of Texas’ power grid during peak usage times, Honeywell said […] More