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    Joseph D’Alu Named RMF Virginia Division Manager; Duane Pinnix Comments

    Joseph D’Alu, a 16-year architectural and mechanical engineering veteran, has been promoted to the role of division manager for RMF Engineering’s Virginia facilities. He will oversee the Virginia office staff, act as the point-of-contact for customers, manage project completion and handle RMF projects in the state, RMF said Friday. “When it came time to make […] More

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    RMF Names Vince Jarrett to Lead Ohio Civil Engineering Team; Duane Pinnix Comments

    RMF Engineering has appointed Vince Jarrett, an engineering design professional for 17 years, as division manager of its new civil engineering team at the company’s office in Columbus, Ohio. Jarrett will lead Gregory Albrecht, Matt Burgdorf and Stephen Whalen in providing civil, electrical and mechanical engineering and other services to RMF clients in Ohio, the company said. “RMF has […] More