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    Leidos to Continue CBRNE Threat Simulation, Modeling Support for DTRA

    Leidos has been awarded a potential three-year, $17 million task order to help the Defense Threat Reduction Agency model and simulate chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive threats. The company said Thursday it will support web-based joint assessment tools that work to facilitate collaboration among subject matter experts and help the Defense Department and other government agencies respond to CBRNE incidents. The order contains […] More

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    Cherokee Information Services Awarded Defense Stockpile Mgmt System Support Contract

    Cherokee Information Services has been awarded a four-year, $33.6 million contract to support the Defense Threat Reduction Agency‘s defense stockpile management system. The company will perform work at Fort Belvoir in Virginia and at Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico through Jan. 25, 2021, the Defense Department said Tuesday. DTRA obligated $1.5 million in fiscal 2017 operations […] More

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    Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Army Partner for Omadacycline Biodefense Studies

    Paratek Pharmaceuticals has partnered with the U.S. Army to conduct research on the efficiency of omadacycline treatments against pathogenic agents under a cooperative research-and-development agreement. The studies will work to determine if omadacycline can help treat biodefense pathogens such as Yersinia Pestis and Bacillus Anthracis, Paratek said Tuesday. The company will provide omadacycline and technical expertise in support of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of […] More

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    2 Texas Research Organizations to Work on Ebola Countermeasure for DTRA

    The Defense Threat Reduction Agency has awarded Southwest Research Institute a potential three-year contract worth $3.4 million to develop and test a countermeasure drug therapy for the Ebola virus. SwRI will work with Texas Biomedical Research Institute to combine two existing drugs designed to combat biothreats, Texas Biomed said Wednesday. Robert Davey, Texas Biomed virology and immunology department chair and […] More

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    Parsons to Help Lebanon, Georgia Monitor Land Borders; Mary Ann Hopkins Comments

    Parsons has been selected to provide border security services to Lebanon and Georgia under two task orders from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. The company will implement systems to identify and deter weapons of mass destruction along the clients’ borders as part of Cooperative Threat Reduction Integrating Contract II, Parsons said Monday. “We look forward […] More

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    DTRA Taps Parsons for Ukraine Nuclear Security Support Task Order

    Parsons Government Services International has secured a potential four-year, $16.9 million task order to provide nuclear security support across Ukraine and worldwide as part of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Integrating Contract II. DTRA received two proposals for the contract after it solicited bids from four original CTRIC II contract holders, the […] More

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    CSC to Support DTRA’s Counter-WMD Efforts

    Computer Sciences Corp. will provide support to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency for efforts to address the threat of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosives under a $10.3 million contract. The Defense Department said Friday CSC will contribute its technical expertise, operational proficiency, policy knowledge, assistance teams and services for collective training and process development. According to DoD, […] More

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    DTRA Selects 908 Devices Tech For Chemical Detection Contract; Kevin Knopp Comments

    908 Devices will develop handheld chemical detection tools for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency under a potential $11.5 million contract. The company said Tuesday it will work to create a compact chemical analyzer by combining its High-Pressure Mass Spectrometry platform with gas chromatography. The firm will also collaborate with other companies, laboratories and the University of North […] More

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    Dave Wajsgras: Raytheon Extends Support for DTRA-Philippines Maritime Security Partnership

    Raytheon has secured a $25 million contract for the second phase of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency‘s maritime border security program in collaboration with the Philippines’ coast guard. The company said Tuesday it will provide training and sustainment services as well as command-and-control, sensing and communications systems under the increment 2 contract. “This work continues our strong partnership […] More