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    Army Orders Additional DT Research-Built Rugged Tablets

    DT Research has received a contract to supply the U.S. Army with additional rugged tablet computers to aid training and logistics operations at an Army facility. It represents the third contract the military branch has awarded DT Research this year for the company’s DT311 ultra-rugged tablets, the company said Monday. DT311 is designed to capture and transfer information in real time and comply with military […] More

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    DT Research to Supply Additional Rugged Tablets to Army Reserve

    The U.S. Army Reserve has awarded a contract to DT Research to expand the deployment of company-built DT311H rugged tablets at Army-run facilities to support the military branch’s training and logistics activities. DT Research said Monday the award represents the second rugged tablets supply contract the company received from Army Reserve this year. The DT311H device is built with an 11.6-inch touch screen, […] More