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    Battelle, ID Quantique Quantum Computing Defense Working Group; Don Hayford Comments

    Battelle and ID Quantique have formed an industry alliance group in a move to combat potential security threats posed by adversarial quantum computers. The Quantum-Safe Security Working Group will work to educate, adopt and apply quantum key distribution and post-quantum cryptography to help government agencies and enterprises protect their critical infrastructures, Battelle said Wednesday. “Forming the QSS working group will allow us […] More

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    Battelle to Test Quantum Data Transfer on Ohio Fiber Optic Network

    Battelle has secured a five-year deal with the city of Dublin in Ohio to utilize its fiber optic network in testing the data transfer functions of ID Quantique‘s Quantum Key Distribution hardware. Battelle said Wednesday its quantum communication researchers have been given permission to use the city’s dubLINK fiber optic ring and other available cables for free to conduct the test beginning in early […] More