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    Forcepoint, Raytheon, GigaTrust, ICM Partner on Security Compliance Platform for DoD Suppliers

    Forcepoint has formed a partnership with Raytheon’s cyber services business, GigaTrust and Internet Content Management to deliver a platform designed to help suppliers comply with a Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement that requires vendors to standardize security systems and methods to safeguard controlled unclassified information and defense data. Forcepoint said Wednesday its cybersecurity platform works […] More

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    DISA Taps SHR Consulting Group for MilCloud IT Support Contract

    SHR Consulting Group has won a potential $21.6 million contract to provide a range of information technology services for the Defense Department‘s current cloud service. The Defense Information Systems Agency disclosed the milCloud 1.0 support contract in a FedBizOpps notice posted Tuesday. SHR will provide programmatic, technical, engineering, development, testing and integration services necessary for […] More

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    Raytheon’s Thomas Kennedy: DoD-Industry Collaboration Essential to Address Cyber Threats

    Raytheon CEO Thomas Kennedy said at an Aerospace Industry Association event held on Capitol Hill that the Defense Department and companies should partner in efforts to fix potential cyber vulnerabilities in military systems and develop future professionals to support cyberharderning efforts. He also called on DoD policymakers and industry leaders to collaborate to help small and medium businesses comply with […] More

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    Suntiva to Provide Technical Support for Army Contract Writing System

    Suntiva has received a five-year, $20 million contract to provide technical, analytical and functional support for a contract writing system being used by the U.S. Army‘s acquisition community. The company said Tuesday it will also help deploy, update and sustain the Defense Department‘s Procurement Desktop-Defense platform that supports the Army contracting personnel within and outside the continental U.S. Work also covers organizational […] More

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    4 Companies Get Contract Modifications to Extend DARPA Tactical Tech Program Support

    Four companies have received a combined $13.5 million contract modification from the U.S. Navy to extend support services for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency‘s tactical technology office. Booz Allen Hamilton, ManTech International‘s SRS Technologies subsidiary, Centra Technology and Schafer will continue to provide technical, programmatic, financial and administrative support to TTO programs, the Defense Department said Tuesday. […] More

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    Raytheon to Support Army Airborne Surveillance Sensor, Defense Systems

    The U.S. Army has awarded Raytheon a potential five-year, $48 million contract to perform support work on the military branch’s cooperative aviation surveillance sensor and man-portable air defense systems. Raytheon will support AN/UPR-3 CASS and Avenger/Stinger MANPADS along with AN/TPX-57(V)2, AN/TPX-58(V)1, AN/TPX-59 and ADI KIV-77 subassemblies, the Defense Department said Tuesday. The Army Contracting Command will determine funds […] More

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    BAE to Develop Adaptive Decision-Making Tool for Air Force

    BAE Systems Inc. has won a $9.2 million contract to develop iterative reasoning, association and learning software for the U.S. Air Force‘s adaptive decision-making efforts. The Defense Department said Tuesday the company will develop the software to help automate indications, warning and situational awareness data processing for battle management command control and communication. Work will occur in Massachusetts through Sept. […] More

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    AeroVironment Delivers Updated UAS Platforms to Help DoD Address RF Spectrum Requirements

    AeroVironment has supplied two Defense Department customers with company-built Raven and Puma AE unmanned aircraft systems that are compatible with M1/M2/M5 radio frequencies. The company said Tuesday it will also begin to offer M1/M2/M5-configured Wasp AE micro air vehicles in December then conduct deliveries in spring 2018. David Sharpin, vice president of AeroVironment’s tactical UAS business unit, […] More

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    Battelle Updates Handheld Counter-UAS Device; Dan Stamm Comments

    Battelle has updated a man-portable device the nonprofit designed to help the departments of Defense and Homeland Security protect national airspace from unmanned aerial system threats. DroneDefender V2 is equipped with a multifunction selector switch and miniaturized electronics, Battelle said Monday. The new design works to extend the range and capacity of the handheld counter-UAS platform to […] More

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    Vencore to Conduct Oceanography R&D for Navy

    Vencore has won a potential five-year, $22.9 million contract from the U.S. Navy to conduct a research and development project that will focus on ocean dynamics and prediction oceanography. The service branch received multiple offers for the cost-plus-fixed-fee contract through a broad agency announcement from the Naval Research Laboratory and obligated $741,951 in working capital funds at the time […] More

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    4 Firms Win Navy Data Analytics Support Contracts

    The U.S. Navy has awarded four companies up to $22.6 million in contracts to perform data analytics services for the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Altarum Institute, Booz Allen Hamilton, Deloitte and Kennell and Associates will vie for task orders to help BUMED examine operational process efficiencies; populations health management strategies; and quality of medical care and […] More

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    Air Force Taps BAE for South Korea F-16 Radar Warning Receiver Upgrades

    BAE Systems‘ U.S. subsidiary has received a potential $49.6 million contract from the U.S. Air Force to update radar warning receivers currently installed on South Korea’s F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft. The Defense Department said Monday the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center will obligate $9.7 million in foreign military sales funds at the time of award […] More