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    General Dynamics NASSCO to Help Navy Repair USS Oak Hill Dock-Landing Ship

    General Dynamics has received a $42 million contract modification to conduct repairs and alterations on the USS Oak Hill dock landing ship of the U.S. Navy. The company said Thursday its NASSCO subsidiary will provide ballast tank preservation, habitability upgrade, close-in weapons system repairs and engine replacement services under the cost-plus-award-fee contract. NASSCO will perform work in Norfolk, Virginia and is […] More

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    Huntington Ingalls CEO Mike Petters: Navy Should Push LXR Amphibious Ship Project Forward

    Mike Petters, president and CEO of Huntington Ingalls Industries, has recommended that the U.S. Navy launch its LX(R) dock landing ship development initiative two years earlier than originally planned in an interview with Reuters posted Tuesday. Petters told Reuters he believes pushing the start of that project  forward from fiscal 2020 to fiscal 2018 will minimize a potential production-line gap between the first […] More