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    IBM Subsidiary Awarded Contract to Provide AWS Cloud for Australia’s Tax Agency

    IBM’s Australian arm has received a potential six-month, $2.4 million contract to provide an Amazon Web Services-built cloud platform for a federal government agency in Australia, ZDNet reported Friday. Asha McLean writes the contract with the Australian Taxation Office comes a month after IBM received approximately $5.3 million in contracts from Australia’s five federal agencies that include the departments […] More

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    Neustar Survey: Businesses Focus Security Investments on DDoS Protection

    A new survey from Neustar says more than half of respondent companies have invested more in security tools to counter distributed denial-of-service attacks as compared to the previous year. The report highlights trends such as the attackers’ growing focus on what Neustar describes as “targeted, smaller” attacks intended to disrupt a company’s network while installing malware that is designed to steal […] More