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    Analysts Rank Top 3 Most Disruptive Technologies

    Asked to gauge the impact disruptive technologies will have, industry experts attending KPMG’s 2017 Global Analyst Day in Boston ranked cognitive technology, robotic process automation and the Internet of Things as the top technologies that will have the greatest impact over the next three years, reported PR NewsWire. “Disruption knows no boundaries and, like us, […] More

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    Cisco-IMD: Digital Disruption to Displace 40% of Business Incumbents Within 5 Years

    A study by the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation — an initiative between Cisco and the IMD business school — says digital disruption could supplant 40 percent of incumbent firms within the next five years. Cisco said Wednesday the researchers sought the outlook of 941 business leaders across 12 industries on the impact of digital disruption in reshaping […] More