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    DHS Licenses 2 Cyber Tech Platforms to IP Group

    The Department of Homeland Security has licensed two Pacific Northwest National Laboratory-built cybersecurity platforms to intellectual property firm IP Group through the science and technology directorate’s Transition to Practice program. IP Group transitioned the Digital Ants and MLSTONES platforms to Cynash, a newly created portfolio company that will work to integrate the technologies with a cyber defense […] More

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    Deloitte’s JR Reagan: Researchers Explore Biomimetic Methods to Thwart Cyber Crime

    JR Reagan, global chief information security officer at Deloitte, has said some computer security researchers experiment with biomimicry principles in a bid to develop new data protection tools based on defense mechanisms seen in nature. He wrote in a Deloitte Insights piece published Monday the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has studied the potential application of ant colonies’  behavior for continuous monitoring […] More