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    Retired Navy Capt. Charles Litz Joins ARServices as R&D Operations Director

    Charles Litz, a retired U.S. Navy captain and former program manager at Advanced Technology Systems Company, has joined management and technology consulting firm ARServices as director of research and development operations. ARServices said Tuesday Litz will lead the company’s efforts to grow its federal market footprint and oversee business relationships with government customers such as the Defense Threat […] More

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    Chimera Secures DTRA Advisory, Assistance Services Contract

    Chimera Enterprises International has received a potential five-year, $45 million contract for advisory and assistance services to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency‘s operations, readiness and exercises directorate. The Defense Department said Monday Chimera will help the directorate research. plan, design, develop, implement, integrate and apply transitioning systems that deal with weapons of mass destruction. Work will occur […] More

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    Leidos to Help Manage DTRA Meteorological Data Servers, Weather Prediction Service

    Leidos has secured a potential five-year, $13 million contract from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to provide operations and maintenance support for DTRA’s Meteorological Data Servers and Numerical Weather Prediction services. DTRA awarded the contract, which contains one base year and four option years, through its Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction procurement vehicle, Leidos said Thursday. The company will offer targeted research-and-development […] More

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    MeMed Secures DTRA Funds to Complete Point-of-Care Platform Devt

    The Defense Threat Reduction Agency has awarded MeMed a $9.2 million contract to fund development work on a medical technology designed to help clinicians diagnose bacterial and viral infections at the point of care. The company said Wednesday it has teamed up with several researchers and clinicians worldwide in efforts to create a human immune signature that will work […] More

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    Parsons Lands DTRA Task Order for Phase 2 Lebanon Border Surveillance Project; Carey Smith Comments

    Parsons has received a task order from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to continue to provide surveillance services for land border regiments in Lebanon in support of the country’s Border Security Project. The task order for the project’s second increment was awarded through DTRA’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Integrating Contract II and covers equipment delivery and training […] More

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    Leidos to Continue CBRNE Threat Simulation, Modeling Support for DTRA

    Leidos has been awarded a potential three-year, $17 million task order to help the Defense Threat Reduction Agency model and simulate chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive threats. The company said Thursday it will support web-based joint assessment tools that work to facilitate collaboration among subject matter experts and help the Defense Department and other government agencies respond to CBRNE incidents. The order contains […] More

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    Cherokee Information Services Awarded Defense Stockpile Mgmt System Support Contract

    Cherokee Information Services has been awarded a four-year, $33.6 million contract to support the Defense Threat Reduction Agency‘s defense stockpile management system. The company will perform work at Fort Belvoir in Virginia and at Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico through Jan. 25, 2021, the Defense Department said Tuesday. DTRA obligated $1.5 million in fiscal 2017 operations […] More

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    Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Army Partner for Omadacycline Biodefense Studies

    Paratek Pharmaceuticals has partnered with the U.S. Army to conduct research on the efficiency of omadacycline treatments against pathogenic agents under a cooperative research-and-development agreement. The studies will work to determine if omadacycline can help treat biodefense pathogens such as Yersinia Pestis and Bacillus Anthracis, Paratek said Tuesday. The company will provide omadacycline and technical expertise in support of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of […] More

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    2 Texas Research Organizations to Work on Ebola Countermeasure for DTRA

    The Defense Threat Reduction Agency has awarded Southwest Research Institute a potential three-year contract worth $3.4 million to develop and test a countermeasure drug therapy for the Ebola virus. SwRI will work with Texas Biomedical Research Institute to combine two existing drugs designed to combat biothreats, Texas Biomed said Wednesday. Robert Davey, Texas Biomed virology and immunology department chair and […] More