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    Air Force Medical Support Agency Taps Nika for Engineering Operations & Info System Services

    The Air Force Medical Support Agency has awarded Nika a contract for engineering operations, systems and project management support services at 73 AFMSA facilities worldwide. Nika said Thursday it will work with the agency to plan, develop and execute operations and maintenance-funded construction projects in conjunction with medical repair and sustainment efforts. Nika CEO Kabir Chaudhary said the company aims to […] More

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    Kratos to Help Update Pentagon’s Theater Medical Records System

    The Defense Department‘s Joint Operational Medicine Information Systems organization has awarded Kratos Defense & Security Solutions a $23 million contract to provide integration services for a multiservice theater and shipboard medical records system. Kratos will collaborate with Planned Systems International to modernize and maintain the Theater Medical Information Program-Joint infrastructure, Kratos said Friday. The two companies will also update information technology […] More

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    CACI to Continue Support for DoD’s Medical Logistics System; Ken Asbury Comments

    CACI International will continue to provide development and sustainment services for the Defense Department‘s Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support system under a three-year, $60.9 million prime contract. The company said Thursday it will support product modernization, lifecycle management, reengineering and the expansion of DMLSS across federal civilian agencies as part of the Defense Health Agency‘s shared services […] More