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    GSA Seeks Info on Entity Identification, Validation Support Sources

    The General Services Administration has begun its search for potential industry sources of entity identification and validation support services. Dun & Bradstreet currently provides such services under a contract that is set to expire in 2018, GSA said Monday. The Federal Acquisition Regulation and 2CFR policies also have been updated to eliminate references to D&B and its proprietary Data Universal […] More

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    GSA-D&B Partnership Expands Govt Spending Activity Info Access

    The General Services Administration and Dun & Bradstreet have renegotiated their data collection contract to expand the use of federal government spending information. Kevin Youel Page, acting assistant commissioner of GSA’s Integrated Award Environment, wrote in a blog post posted Saturday that rights to proprietary D&B data stored in IAE systems have been expanded in efforts to help users conduct historical […] More

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    Executive Profile: Bill Pastro, Gov’t Services VP at Dun & Bradstreet

    Bill Pastro serves as vice president of federal government services at Dun & Bradstreet. He leads a team of government professionals that works to assist federal agencies in their risk management, trade transparency and business verification operations through D&B’s business data platforms. The certified public accountant has been with the company for 18 years and has led programs […] More

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    D&B, FirstRain Form Big Data Analytics Collaboration; Laura Kelly Comments

    D&B has partnered with big data company FirstRain to develop new analytics technology for business information products. Both companies will work to integrate structured and unstructured business data and analytics into FirstRain’s market intelligence portfolio with the goal of helping D&B customers view their content different various sources, the companies said Tuesday. “Finding and identifying […] More

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    D&B Names Winners of Inaugural DC Techathon; Josh Peirez Comments

    D&B has selected the winners in a $30,000 competition that called on developers and designers to submit ideas for combating malfeasance in the public sector. More than 100 developers in 22 teams participated in the Inaugural DC Tecathon at Microsoft’s Chevy Chase Campus in Washington, the company announced Nov. 21. “Techathons are in line with the visionary […] More