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    General Electric Demos Direct Air Capture Tech for Carbon Removal Efforts

    General Electric has conducted a laboratory demonstration of its first direct air capture technology designed to help the Department of Energy boost efforts to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. GE said Tuesday the DAC technology was built on the company’s thermal management and heat exchanger design expertise and chemistry and material systems development experience.  […] More

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    BAE-QinetiQ Alliance Seeks to Promote Adoption of Electric Drive Tech for Combat Vehicles

    BAE Systems and QinetiQ have entered into a teaming agreement with the goal to help foster worldwide adoption of an electric drive transmission technology designed for ground combat vehicles. QinetiQ said May 25 it aims to combine the firm’s electric drive expertise with BAE’s systems design, development, manufacturing and integration experience in efforts to  support utilization of the E-X-Drive system. E-X-Drive is designed to power communications, […] More

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    QinetiQ Gets $2.7M in DARPA Funds for Electric Hub-Drive Tech; David Moore Comments

    QinetiQ has received $2.7 million in funds from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to continue work on the company’s electric hub-drive technology. The technology will form part of an electric propulsion system to replace gearboxes, differentials and drive shafts with electric motors contained within the wheels, QinetiQ said Tuesday. QinetiQ was among the eight organizations DARPA […] More