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    Datapipe to Provide Azure Support for Govt Clients Through Microsoft Partnership

    Datapipe has started to offer managed services to public-sector customers of the Microsoft-built Azure Government platform. Datapipe said Wednesday it can now sell integrated offerings, provide direct billing and and help customer agencies manage cloud environments through Microsoft’s Azure Government Cloud Solution Provider program. Tom Keane, general manager of Microsoft Azure Government, said the company aims to expand the […] More

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    Datapipe Obtains FedRAMP Certification for PaaS Cloud Platform

    Datapipe has received Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program certification for the company’s platform-as-a-service offering to government agencies. FedRAMP’s Joint Authorization Board certified the Datapipe Government Cloud platform as compliant with 800-53 Revision 4 controls that cover privacy and additional security measures. Datapipe provides operating and security services to support an organization’s virtual operating system and virtual network layer through PaaS. Dan Tudahl, president and general manager […] More