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    Scott Kaine: Cyveillance Threat Intell Platform to Focus on Analysis

    A QinetiQ subsidiary has launched a new cloud-based platform that aims to help security and risk professionals perform their own analyses of available threat intelligence using various investigative tools and data sources. Cyveillance‘s Cyber Threat Center platform also works to use intelligence reports, web search and social media monitoring to collect threat data that can be “distilled” to generate actionable security […] More

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    LexisNexis, UK Agency Partner for Legislative Data Analysis Project

    LexisNexis and the U.K. government’s archival organization will collaborate to develop tools and methodologies for maintaining, analyzing and interpreting volumes of legislative articles, Legal Futures reported Friday. The Big Data for Law project’s goal to give U.K. professionals access to computing systems and services when undertaking legal research work, according to the article. Legal Futures […] More