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    Darryl Shaw: Verizon Unveils IT Package for Healthcare Sector

    Verizon Enterprise Solutions has released new HIPAA-ready healthcare technologies to manage the exchange of electronic patient health information and inquiries from both patients and healthcare professionals on health services. “Healthcare is behind other industries when it comes to applying technology to the delivery of services due in part to today’s regulatory climate,” Darryl Shaw, director of healthcare solutions and new product […] More

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    Verizon’s Darryl Shaw: Enterprises Seek Cloud Tools for Healthcare Delivery

    Darryl Shaw, director of healthcare solutions and new product development at Verizon Enterprise, says his company is seeing higher rates adoption of cloud services for healthcare delivery among customers. Carlos Arcila, external communications manager for Verizon Enterprise, wrote Thursday that chief information officers are moving to migrate their services to cloud environments in order to fulfill Health Insurance Portability […] More