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    Army Rapid Equipping Force Orders CyPhy Works’ ‘PARC’ Tethered Drone

    The U.S. Army‘s Rapid Equipping Force has placed an order to CyPhy Works for a Persistent Aerial Reconnaissance and Communications tethered unmanned aerial system designed to perform long-endurance flights. CyPhy Works said Monday the PARC’s Kevlar-strengthened microfilament tether acts as its power supply to support the drone in flights over hundreds of hours and facilitate communication and video services. PARC works to give […] More

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    CyPhy Works Draws In-Q-Tel Investment for Hovering Robot; Matt England Comments

    In-Q-Tel has made an investment in CyPhy Works to help the Massachusetts-based robotics company further develop a robotics platform for use in intelligence missions. CyPhy Works’ hovering robot has a microfilament tether designed to provide Ethernet-based access to users and facilitate long-distance communications, IQT said Monday. “The demand for mobile, persistent and reliable reconnaissance and […] More