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    Northrop Unveils 2018 CyberCenturion Competition Winners in UK

    Northrop Grumman has announced the winners of the 2018 CyberCenturion competition that featured 10 teams of U.K. students aged 12 to 18 years old. The company said Monday a team from St. George’s School in Birmingham won the national finals, which were held at the Institute of Engineering and Technology in London. Northrop named St. Paul’s School and […] More

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    Northrop Opens 2016-2017 UK National Youth Cyber Defense Competition

    Northrop Grumman has launched the U.K. national youth cyber defense competition for 2016-2017 in efforts to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. The company said Thursday CyberCenturion aims to encourage students to pursue cybersecurity related academic courses and careers and address the skills gap within the industry. More than 130 teams of 12-18 year olds registered for […] More

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    Northrop Grumman to Spearhead Projects Aimed at Future Cyber Workforce; Kathy Warden Comments

    Northrop Grumman is set to hold several cyber defense competitions in the U.S., Middle East and Europe in April as part of the company’s cyber education and workforce development goals. “Globally, we face a critical shortage of trained professionals ready to take on the job of securing our systems and networks,” Kathy Warden, corporate vice president and […] More

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    Diane Miller: Northrop to Launch Cybersecurity Contest for UK High School Students

    Northrop Grumman and Cyber Security Challenge U.K. have partnered to hold a competition meant to foster cyber talent and inspire students to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering and math fields. The U.K.’s CyberCenturion contest will be based on the Northrop-sponsored CyberPatriot challenge for U.S. secondary students, Northrop said Monday. “CyberPatriot has grown at […] More