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    8 Teams to Develop Computer Security Tools Under DARPA Program

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has selected eight teams for a new program that aims to develop practical tools and approaches to anticipate and mitigate emergent behaviors of modern computer systems that can pose vulnerabilities to cyber attacks. DARPA said Thursday the three-phase Hardening Development Toolchains Against Emergent Execution Engines program seeks to enhance […] More

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    DARPA to Brief Proposers on Hardware Security Program

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency seeks industry expertise to address security vulnerabilities in electronic hardware and plans to hold an event in Arlington, Virginia, to discuss the project with interested companies. DARPA said Monday its System Security Integrated Through Hardware and Firmware program aims to mitigate seven classes of hardware vulnerabilities listed on the Mitre-administered Common Weakness Enumeration website. Those classes are permissions […] More

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    David Wajsgras: Raytheon Aims to Help DARPA Automate Cybersecurity

    Raytheon‘s team is one of seven teams that will compete in the final round of a $2 million U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency-hosted program to build an automated system against cybersecurity threats. DARPA launched the Cyber Grand Challenge for academic and industry consortia to produce cyber reasoning platforms that can identify and repair computer […] More