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    Orbital ATK to Help UAE Start Space Technology Academic Program

    Orbital ATK will collaborate with the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, satellite communications firm Yahsat and the United Arab Emirates Space Agency to form a new academic program focused on space technology. Masdar Institute will start to accept graduate students in UAE for the master’s degree program by January 2016 under the memorandum of understanding, Orbital ATK said Tuesday. […] More

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    Aerojet Rocketdyne Wraps Up Latest Tests on 3D-Printed CubeSat Propulsion System

    Aerojet Rocketdyne has concluded a series of tests on a three-dimensional printed propulsion system to check engine throughput and propellant tank expulsions as the program moved forward to the qualification phase. The company said Monday it conducted a hot-fire test of the hydrazine integrated propulsion system on the MPS-120 CubeSat High-Impulse Adaptable Modular Propulsion System to demonstrate functions that meet Technology Readiness Level 6 and Manufacturing […] More

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    Aerojet Rocketdyne to Build NASA CubeSat Propulsion System; Christian Carpenter Comments

    Aerojet Rocketdyne will develop a propulsion system for NASA‘s CubeSat miniature satellites under a contract from the Armstrong Flight Test Center’s flight opportunities. The company said Tuesday the two-phased contract involves hot-fire testing on the MPS-120 CubeSat High-Impulse Adaptable Modular Propulsion System and flight demonstration if the agency selects Aerojet Rocketdyne’s chemical propulsion system. “We’re honored that NASA has selected us […] More

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    Johns Hopkins APL, NASA Launch Small Satellites into Space; Ann Darrin Comments

    The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory and NASA launched two small satellites called cubesats into space in November, The Baltimore Sun reported Jan. 10. Scott Dance writes the devices are intended for use in earth and space science research and earth radiation studies. “This has the potential of being disruptive,” Ann Darrin, managing executive of Johns […] More