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    CNAS Names Andrew Krepinevich, James Townsend New Adjunct Senior Fellows

    The Center for a New American Security has named two national security policy leaders as adjunct senior fellows who will support the organization’s research programs and provide expertise on policy matters. CNAS said Friday the new adjunct senior fellows are Andrew Krepinevich, former president of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, and James Townsend Jr., former deputy […] More

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    CSBA Adds Barbara Humpton, Randy Forbes, Adam Frankel to Board of Directors

    The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments has appointed Barbara Humpton, Randy Forbes and Adam Frankel to its board of directors. CSBA President and CEO Thomas Mahnken, said in a statement that the convergence of military and economic instruments is crucial to the national security debate and the new board members’ experiences reflect this intersection. Humpton is the […] More