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    Lockheed’s Advanced Technology Center Develops Microcryocooler for IR Sensing Applications

    Lockheed Martin‘s advanced technology center has built an ultra-compact cryocooler system to offer a quick-startup feature for infrared sensors used to support military operations. Lockheed said Wednesday its Fast Cool Down Microcryocooler is designed to quickly activate IR-sensing platforms utilized on space observation and weapons targeting missions. Jeffrey Olson, a research scientist at Lockheed’s advanced technology center, said the technology can help reduce the […] More

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    Ball Aerospace to Design NASA Landsat-9 Cryocooler

    Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. has received a $18.2 million contract to design, test and deliver a cryocooler for NASA’s Landsat-9 spacecraft. Ball Aerospace will build two stages of cooling materials into the Thermal Infrared Sensor-2 instrument Cryocooler, NASA said Tuesday. The first cooling stage will be for a layer of thermal shielding and the […] More

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    Lockheed Develops Satellite Cooling System With 150 Watts-Per-Kilogram Power Density

    Lockheed Martin has built a lightweight satellite cooling system with a power density of 150 watts per kilogram as part of the efforts to develop compact and high-power cryocoolers for electronics aboard spacecraft. The company said Tuesday the High Power Microcryocooler works to cool down sensors, cameras and other satellite optics and electronics to as low as -320 degrees Fahrenheit. The cooling system […] More

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    Minda Suchan: Exelis Designed Sensor to ID Gases in ‘Hard-to-Reach’ Areas

    Exelis has finished a series of flight tests on a sensor and processing system the company built to detect potentially hazardous substances and gases by pointing in multiple directions. The company’s team in Rochester, N.Y. placed several types of materials around the region to evaluate how the sensor recorded and stored data for processing on board […] More