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    Orbital ATK Sets May 20 for 9th ISS Resupply Mission Launch

    Orbital ATK has set May 20 as target date to launch its ninth cargo delivery mission to the International Space Station as part of the company’s Commercial Resupply Services contract with NASA. The space agency said Monday Orbital ATK moved Cygnus from a payload processing facility to a spacecraft fueling facility Monday at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. After […] More

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    SpaceX Dragon Completes 9th Cargo Delivery Mission to Space Station

    SpaceX‘s Dragon capsule has returned from its ninth cargo resupply mission to the International Space Station, bringing back more than 3,000 pounds of experiment samples and other cargo home for NASA scientists. NASA said Saturday the unmanned spacecraft landed Friday in the Pacific Ocean at 11:47 a.m. Eastern Time and SpaceX personnel will ship the retrieved module to Los Angeles for the cargo […] More

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    SpaceX-Built Spacecraft to Return From 9th ISS Cargo Resupply Mission

    A SpaceX-built Dragon spacecraft that delivered nearly 5,000 pounds of crew supplies to the International Space Station is due to return from its cargo resupply mission Friday. NASA said Tuesday ISS’ Canadarm 2 robotic arm will detach the vehicle from the orbiting laboratory’s Harmony module before Expedition 48 flight engineers Kate Rubins and Takuya Onishi will work to release the craft for its voyage back to Earth. The […] More

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    NASA Launches 9th SpaceX ISS Resupply Mission Aboard Dragon Spacecraft

    NASA has launched SpaceX‘s ninth commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station as part of the company’s Commercial Resupply Services contract with the space agency. NASA said Monday the CRS-9 mission carries 5,000 pounds of cargo, which will reach the space station on Wednesday. The space agency added the cargo contains samples and instruments that will […] More