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    DoD Orders Cray Supercomputer, Storage Systems; Fred Kohout Comments

    Cray has been awarded a $26 million contract to supply supercomputer and storage systems to the Defense Department as part of DoD’s High Performance Computing Modernization Program. The company said Monday it will install one XC40 supercomputer and three Sonexion storage platforms at the Vicksburg, Mississippi-based DoD Supercomputing Resource Center in mid-2017. The Army Engineer Research and Development Center will use the […] More

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    Cray to Upgrade European Weather Research Center’s Computer, Storage Systems

    Cray has been awarded a $36 million contract to upgrade the high-performance computers and storage system at the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. The company will update the XC supercomputers to Cray XC40 systems and provide additional Sonexion 2000 Lustre storage and a 32-node system to the weather research center, Cray said Monday. The Intel […] More

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    Indian Institute of Science Adopts Cray’s Petaflop Supercomputer; Nick Gorga Comments

    Cray has installed a petaflop supercomputer at the Indian Institute of Science Supercomputing Education and Research Center in Bangalore to aid SERC research initiatives focused on high-performance computing. The company said Monday the Cray XC40 supercomputer, dubbed SahasraT, is equipped with Intel Xeon processors, Dragonfly topology, Aries interconnect technology, DataWarp optional platforms, cooling systems and NVIDIA Tesla graphic processing unit accelerators. […] More